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fatjar-maven-plugin from group com.amitinside (version 0.0.1)

This maven plugin is responsible to create a Fat JAR bundle containing all the dependencies specified in a POM file. Sometimes users need to unpack specific dependency (eq. zip, tar etc) before packing the dependency as this dependency could contain other jar files. The primary motive is to collect all the dependencies including the plain jar dependencies and the other jar dependencies that reside in other dependency (eq. zip, tar etc). Apart from this, it could also update the versions of the specified dependencies before wrapping in a big fat JAR bundle. This internally uses bnd to wrap all the dependencies in a single fat JAR.

Group: com.amitinside Artifact: fatjar-maven-plugin
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Artifact fatjar-maven-plugin
Group com.amitinside
Version 0.0.1
Last update 05. February 2018
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
Dependencies amount 11
Dependencies guava, maven-invoker, commons-io, maven-model, zip4j, commons-cli, maven-plugin-api, maven-project, mojo-executor, biz.aQute.bndlib, slf4j-log4j12,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

groupdocs-viewer from group com.groupdocs (version 17.5.0)

GroupDocs.Viewer for Java is a powerful document viewer component that allows you to display over 50 document formats in your Java applications. The viewer can both rasterize documents and convert them to SVG+HTML+CSS, delivering true-text high-fidelity rendering. Supported file formats include: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Outlook documents, PDF, AutoCAD, Image files (JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc.) and many more formats.

Group: com.groupdocs Artifact: groupdocs-viewer
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Artifact groupdocs-viewer
Group com.groupdocs
Version 17.5.0
Last update 29. December 2017
Organization not specified
License GroupDocs License, Version 1.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

quasar-maven-plugin from group com.vlkan (version 0.7.9)

Quasar is a Java library that provides high-performance lightweight threads, Go-like channels, Erlang-like actors, and other asynchronous programming tools. Quasar fibers rely on bytecode instrumentation. This can be done at classloading time via a Java Agent, or at compilation time. This project ships a Maven plugin for the ahead-of-time Quasar instrumentation of the compiled class files.

Group: com.vlkan Artifact: quasar-maven-plugin
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Artifact quasar-maven-plugin
Group com.vlkan
Version 0.7.9
Last update 05. October 2017
Organization not specified
License The BSD 3-Clause License
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies maven-plugin-api, maven-core, maven-plugin-annotations, quasar-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

com.googlecode.jweb1t from group com.googlecode.jweb1t (version 1.4.0)

jWeb1T is an open source Java tool for efficiently searching n-gram data in the Web 1T 5-gram corpus format. It is based on a binary search algorithm that finds the n-grams and returns their frequency counts in logarithmic time. As the corpus is stored in many files a simple index is used to retrieve the files containing the n-grams.

Group: com.googlecode.jweb1t Artifact: com.googlecode.jweb1t
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Artifact com.googlecode.jweb1t
Group com.googlecode.jweb1t
Version 1.4.0
Last update 03. October 2017
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies commons-lang3, pcj, commons-logging-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

alexa-skills-kit-tellask-java from group io.klerch (version 0.2.3)

This SDK is an extension to the Alexa Skills SDK for Java. It provides a framework for handling speechlet requests with multi-variant utterances organized in YAML files that make it easy to create localized skills. This SDK also lets you build your skill in declarative style and avoids a lot of boilerplate code.

Group: io.klerch Artifact: alexa-skills-kit-tellask-java
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Artifact alexa-skills-kit-tellask-java
Group io.klerch
Version 0.2.3
Last update 06. July 2017
Organization not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies jackson-core, jackson-databind, jackson-annotations, jackson-dataformat-yaml, alexa-skills-kit, alexa-skills-kit-states-java, javapoet,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

svg2vector from group de.vandermeer (version 2.0.0)

SVG to vector converter. This tool converts an SVG graphic to a vector format. Currently supported targets are EMF, PDF and SVG. The tool does support SVG and SVGZ input formats. It also can deal with SVG layers. Input can be a file or a URL. Output can be a single file or a set of files, i.e. handling SVG layers individually. This means that the tool can be part of a tool chain for creating animations. Simply create an SVG image with several layers, one per step of an animation. Then use this tool to create an image per layer and use them in the target publication platform.

Group: de.vandermeer Artifact: svg2vector
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Artifact svg2vector
Group de.vandermeer
Version 2.0.0
Last update 13. April 2017
Organization not specified
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies execs, ST4, batik-bridge, freehep-graphicsio, freehep-graphics2d, freehep-graphicsio-emf, freehep-graphicsio-pdf, freehep-graphicsio-svg,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

odfdom-java from group org.apache.odftoolkit (version 0.8.11-incubating)

ODFDOM is an OpenDocument Format (ODF) framework. Its purpose is to provide an easy common way to create, access and manipulate ODF files, without requiring detailed knowledge of the ODF specification. It is designed to provide the ODF developer community with an easy lightwork programming API portable to any object-oriented language. The current reference implementation is written in Java.

Group: org.apache.odftoolkit Artifact: odfdom-java
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Artifact odfdom-java
Group org.apache.odftoolkit
Version 0.8.11-incubating
Last update 28. March 2017
Organization The Apache Software Foundation
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies taglets, xercesImpl, xml-apis, jena-core, java-rdfa, commons-validator,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

beige-orm from group org.beigesoft (version 1.1.3)

Beigesoft ORM library. This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, H2 and SQlite. Consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configurable with standard Java Properties XML files. Standard SQL queries both DML(e.g. SELECT) and DDL(e.g. CREATE) are automatically generated and could be modified/replaced by Properties XML.

Group: org.beigesoft Artifact: beige-orm
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Artifact beige-orm
Group org.beigesoft
Version 1.1.3
Last update 24. December 2016
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies beige-common, beige-settings,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

NobleTools from group edu.pitt.dbmi.nlp (version 1.0)

Noble Tools Suite, is a set of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and Application Programming Interfaces (API) written in Java for interfacing with ontologies, auto coding text and extracting information from free test. The Noble Tools suite also includes a generic ontology API for interfacing with Web Ontology Language (OWL) files, OBO and BioPortal ontologies and a number of support utilities and methods useful for NLP (e.g. string normalization, ngram and stemming)

Group: edu.pitt.dbmi.nlp Artifact: NobleTools
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Artifact NobleTools
Group edu.pitt.dbmi.nlp
Version 1.0
Last update 14. November 2016
Organization Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh
License BSD 3-Clause License
Dependencies amount 3
Dependencies owlapi-distribution, jdbm, javax.servlet-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

org.apache.stanbol.commons.opennlp from group org.apache.stanbol (version 1.0.0)

Provides a Bundle and support for the management of Models. The Data File Provider infrastructure is used to load requested models. Some Modles for English are included. Other models MUST be provided via the DataFileProvider infrastrucutre. (e.g. by including them in there classpath and providing an own DataFileProvider or by users adding the requred files to the "/datafiles" folder in the Stanbol installation)

Group: org.apache.stanbol Artifact: org.apache.stanbol.commons.opennlp
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Artifact org.apache.stanbol.commons.opennlp
Group org.apache.stanbol
Version 1.0.0
Last update 16. September 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies org.apache.stanbol.commons.stanboltools.datafileprovider, opennlp-maxent, opennlp-tools, org.osgi.core, org.osgi.compendium, org.apache.felix.scr.annotations, commons-io, slf4j-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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